Tweeks Cycles
The 521 City Pedals from SQlab come in four different lengths for a perfect fit. With traditional pedals they force the feet into a virtually parallel position, however SQlab pedals allow for a physiologically natural foot position. This prevents one sided loads - especially with a calf leg head or fibula head syndrome. The version with shorter axle is suitable for riders with small shoe sizes and small sit bone distances. The so-called Q-factor can hereby be reduced.Axis Length - The City Pedal is available in four different lengths. The version with shorter axis is suitable for small shoe size and at the same time small seat bone distance. The so-called Q-factor can thus be reduced.Ergonomics - Conventional pedals force the feet into an almost parallel foot position. The extended axis of the SQlab 521 City pedal allows a physiologically natural foot position. This minimizes one-sided stress - especially in the case of fibula head syndrome. The SQlab pedal technology ensures a rounded
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≈ 57.47 EUR
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