Tweeks Cycles
Forget turning it up to 11, Campagnolo have turned their latest Chorus groupset up to 12! The Campagnolo Chorus 12-Speed Cassette is an integral part of the new group, providing a wider gear-range, slick shifting and smoother performance at a race-ready weight.Same width as 11-Speed cassettes no need for new wheels or freehubsTwo bigger sets of three machined from a single-block piece for lighter weight and better durabilityNew surface treatment increases durability and provides smoother shiftingWider gear-range and close steps between gears give you the best of both worldsLightweight at just 306g (11-29T)Key to the success of the latest 12-Speed Chorus groupset is the cassette. Offering a wider gear-range while keeping closer steps between the taller ratios, the Chorus 12-Speed Cassette gives you all the gears you need for climbing and descending. Despite adding in an additional gear over previous 11-speed cassettes, the 12-Speed Chorus cassette is no wider, allowing you to use your
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