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What is a Seconds Piece?During production, and as a result of our high-quality standards, we produce a quantity of Seconds pieces every week. During kiln firing, variations in temperature can occur which result in glazed pots appearing lighter or darker than the ideal colour standard or surface imperfections can arise. These imperfections are usually quite minor but can vary from piece to piece and range to range. They are purely cosmetic blemishes and in no way detract from the safety, strength or durability of the pieces concerned and all Seconds items are 100% safe to use in the dishwasher, freezer, microwave and oven. However, if you are buying Seconds pieces to mix with your Best Quality items you may see a difference in colour of the pieces, especially on some of our more reactive ranges where the colour differences can be more noticeable. If you have specific aesthetic needs or preferences for your Seconds items, you may prefer to visit one of our Denby Retail stores where self-
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